State Awards
Awards presented at the GEA Yearly Convention
Jekyll Island June 6-8, 2024

Maureen Manning received the Past State President's Award from Bob Colie, Pres. of PSP Association
GEA Pres. Junior Roberson presented Katie Altman with the ER of the Year Award
GEA Pres. Junior Roberson presented Lake Oconee Lodge #2849's ER John White with the Lodge of the Year Award
GEA Pres. Junior Roberson presented Vance Rhodes, PSP with the Officer of the Year Award
GEA Pres. Junior Roberson presented Cyndi Russell with the Elk of the Year Award

GEA Pres. Junior Roberson presented Steve Petrie with a President's Appreciation Award.

GEA Pres. Junior Roberson presented Brian Russell with a President's Appreciation Award.

GEA Pres. Junior Roberson presented Amber Henderson, far right and Michelle Langham, far left with President's Appreciation Awards.
GEA Pres. Junior Roberson presented Bethany Jackson with a President's Appreciation Award.
GEA Pres. Junior Roberson presented Nita Knighton, PSP with a President's Appreciation Award.

Far right, Nita Knighton, PSP & Bethany Jackson (State Scholarship Chair) pose with, Center, Kalyan Toussaint and his family. Kalyan was a major scholarship winner at Grand Lodge level and received a $30,000 Scholarship.

L-R: Peggy Rhodes, PSP Aux., Maureen Manning, Vance Rhodes, PSP (Peggy and Vance received Veteran Volunteer of the Year awards. Maureen is State Chair.

Left Bruce Hayden, PSP, Grand Tiler and Right, Vance Rhodes, PSP presented Maureen Manning with a Special Award for all of her hours of service for many years.

GEA Pres. Junior Roberson presented Tim Whalen, PSP, Past Grand Esquire with a President's Appreciation Award.

Cyndi Russell presenting winners of the charity report with gifts
Cyndi Russell presenting more winners of the charity report contest with gifts
Cyndi Russell presenting gifts to winners of the Drug Awareness contest, Toccoa and Albany Lodges
Piker Penn presented Sgt. Kevin W. Logue with the Cartersville Police Dept. with the Public Safety officer of the Year Award
Piker Penn & Vance Rhodes, PSP presented Firefighter Dale Reed, Dalton Fire Department with the Public Safety officer of the Year Award
Awards presented at the GEA Spring Meeting
March 1 & 2, 2024

Newsletter Awards went to Albany 2nd place South Division 2, Lake Oconee 1st place NE Division 5, Cartersville 1st place NW Division 3, Valdosta 1st place South Division 3, Brunswick 1st place South Division 2

The Georgia Elks also welcomed GER Randy Shook and First Lady Wanda to to Spring Meeting in Valdosta
Awards presented at the GEA Fall Meeting in Albany
October 21 & 22, 2023

Activity Contest winners L-R: Cartersville Lodge, Douglas Lodge, Lake Oconee Lodge, Cyndi Russell, Chair, and Toccoa Lodge
Aidmore NW Highest overall donations Dalton Lodge L to R: Dr. Vickey Hale, CEO Aidmore, Junior Roberson, GEA Pres. and Dalton lodge, Stanley Santee, PSP and Piker Penn
Aidmore NW Highest Per Capita. Dalton Lodge, Dr. Hale, Dalton ER David Gibson, Stanley Santee, PSP and Piker Penn

Aidmore, Lake Oconee Lodge, NE highest overall donations and highest overall donations for the state L-R: Dr. Hale, Beth Colie, Lake Oconee Lodge, Stanley Santee, PSP and Piker Penn
Aidmore, Gainesville Lodge NE highest per capita, L-R: Dr. Hale, Stacey Simmons, Toccoa ER, (accepting for Gainesville) Stanley Santee, PSP and Piker Penn
Aidmore, Savannah Lodge, 3 awards, south highest per capita, south highest overall donations and highest per capita statewide L-R: Dr. Hale, Savannah ER Elliot Palefsky, Savannah Aux. Pres, Stanley Santee, PSP and Piker Penn

Aidmore, Union City Lodge, NW highest per capita L-R: Dr. Hale, GEA Pres. Junior Roberson (accepting for Union City), Stanley Santee, PSP and Piker Penn
Steve Petrie, left accepting the Officer of the Year award from Special Deputy, Grand Tiler, Bruce Hayden
Steve Petrie, left accepting the Grand Lodge membership award from Special Deputy, Grand Tiler, Bruce Hayden
Lynda Lewis accepted the 5 star Ga Elks News and Ga Website awards from PGER and state sponsor Mike Smith
Citation of Merit Award to Atlanta-Northlake Lodge, ER Terry Lentz and Piker Penn

Lynn Dee McDonald, ER, Calhoun Lodge accepts Citation of Merit from Piker Penn
Bruce Covey, ER, Cartersville Lodge accepts Citation of Merit from Piker Penn
David Gibson, ER, Dalton Lodge accepts Citation of Merit from Piker Penn
Marietta Lodge member accepts a Citation of Merit from Piker Penn
Marilyn Roland, Calhoun Lodge, accepted a President's Appreciation award from Special Deputy, Grand Tiler, Bruce Hayden
Awards presented at the GEA Annual Convention on Jekyll Island June 8-10, 2023
Awards presented at the GEA Spring Meeting Macon, Georgia March 3-4, 2023

Right, VA Coordinator of the Year, Brenda Sailors and Left, State Chair Maureen Manning

Center, Past State President's award Dan Tatum, Pres. Elect with L, Tim Whalen, PSP and R, Steven Spradley, PSp

Left, Elk of the Year, Tim Whalen, PSP and GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Left, ER of the Year, Stacey Simmons and GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Left, Mary Zachary, ER of Lake Oconee accepts the Lodge of the Year award from GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Left, Pres. Appreciation Award to Bruce Hayden, PSP by GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Left, Pres. Appreciation Award to Brian Russell, DDGER by GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Right, Pres. Appreciation Award to Bethany Jackson by GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Left, Pres. Appreciation Award to Lynda Lewis by GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Left, Pres. Appreciation Award to Dan Tatum, DDGER, incoming Pres. Elect by GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Right, Pres. Appreciation Award to Junior Roberson, incoming President by GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Left, Pres. Appreciation Award to Larry Pope, DDGER by GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Left, Pres. Appreciation Award to Jeff Tatum by GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Left, Pres. Appreciation Award to Katie Altman by GEA Pres. Nita Knighton

Left, Bruce Davis, Ritual Chair, announced that incoming President Junior Roberson won the 11 O'Clock Toast and Tribute to the Flag contests
Cyndi Russell, Activities Chair, far right, presented the Newsletter Awards to Lodges Lake Oconee, Toccoa, Valdosta, Covington, Brunswick and Marietta
Cyndi Russell, Drug Awareness Chair, right, presented Covington Lodge's Sande Jackson with the Drug Awareness Award
Awards presented at the GEA Fall Meeting
October 21 & 22, 2022

Recognition awards for the Atlanta Convention, pictured L to R back row: Junior Roberson, Pres.-Elect, Bruce Hayden, PSP, Special Deputy, Tim Whalen, PSP, Sec./Treas., Larry Pope, DD South, Brian Russell, DD NE, Steve Petrie, Membership Chair, Bob Colie, PSP and Tobin Sexton L to R front row: Bethany Jackson, VPNW, Dan Tatum, DDNW, Nita Knighton, GEA President and Bill Lewis, PSP (not pictured Beth Colie)

Maureen Manning, Veterans Chair, presented Vance Rhodes, PSP with the Veterans Award

President Nita Knighton presented Bob Colie, PSP with a Grand Lodge Membership Award for 2021-2022

Left, Lynda Lewis, Ga Elks News Editor accepted on behalf of the GEA the GL 5 star awards for website and Ga Elks News from President Nita Knighton
GEA Lodge Activities Contest winners L to R: Division 2 NW District, 1st place, LaFayette Lodge 2018, Division 4 NE District, 1st place, Toccoa Lodge 1820, Division 5 NE District, 1st place, Lake Oconee Lodge 2849, Division 2 NE, 1st place, Covington Lodge 1806, Activities Chair Cyndi Russell and Division 2 South District, 1st place, Albany Lodge 713

President Nita Knighton presented Stanley Santee, PSP, Aidmore Pres. with an Aidmore 5 Star Award
Dalton Lodge & Auxiliary was presented an Aidmore Award for Statewide highest overall Donations. Pictured L to R: Laura Nichols with Aidmore, Stanley Santee, PSP, Peggy Rhodes, PSP Aux., Sarah Hendricks, PSP Aux., Junior Roberson, Pres.-Elect and Piker Penn
Lake Oconee Lodge & Auxiliary was presented with NE highest overall donations. Pictured L-R: Laura Nichols with Aidmore, Stanley Santee, PSP, Sarah Hendricks, PSP Aux., Bill Lewis, PSP and Piker Penn

Savannah Lodge & Auxiliary was presented with the Southern District highest overall donations. Pictured L to R: Stanley Santee, PSP, Laura Nichols, with Aidmore, Cherie Becker, Sarah Hendricks, PSP Aux., Al Deutsch and Piker Penn
Savannah Lodge & Auxiliary was presented with the Southern District highest per capita donations. Pictured L to R: Laura Nichols, with Aidmore, Stanley Santee, PSP, Cherie Becker, Sarah Hendricks, PSP Aux., Savannah Aux. Member, Al Deutsch and Piker Penn
Awards presented at the GEA Annual Meeting on
Jekyll Island June 9-11, 2022

Vance Rhodes, PSP accepted the GEA Elk of the Year Award from President Bob Colie
Bill Lewis, PSP and Harry Gorge from the Eatonton Lodge pose with Renee Black, Secretary of the Eatonton Lodge who won the GEA Secretary of the Year Award
Lake Oconee ER Scott Pitocchelli, accepted the GEA Lodge of the Year Award from President Bob Colie

Ned Thompson accepted the Past State Presidents Award from Mike Bailey, PSP

Wally Binns accepted the GEA ER of the Year Award from President Bob Colie

Sarah Hendricks, Ladies Auxiliary President presented Abe and Teresia Wilkinson with a gift for Abe's over 29 years of service to the Youth of Georgia. On hand were Deborah Johnson, Ladies Auxiliary President Elect and many of the Past State Presidents of the Ladies Auxiliary

To the left and below are recipients of the President's Appreciation Awards presented by President Bob Colie
President Bob Colie and Nita Knighton

President Bob Colie and Brenda Sailors

President Bob Colie and Marilyn Roland

Bob Colie, PSP accepted a GEA Appreciation Award for his year as the GEA President from wife Beth Colie
Bill Becker and President Bob Colie
Greg Shelby and President Bob Colie
Brian Russell and President Bob Colie