Elks Aidmore

Georgia Elks Aidmore Children's Center
"Healing hearts...restoring hopes...rebuilding lives!"
Aidmore Website: www.elksaidmore.com
The mission of Elks Aidmore is to help children and their families in times of crisis by providing them with the necessary skills and resources to help heal their hearts, restore their hopes and rebuild their lives. The corporate office for Elks Aidmore is located at 2394 Morrison Road, Conyers GA 30094, 770-483-3535.
Elks Aidmore has provided services to Georgia’s children for more than eight decades reaching thousands of children and youth. With the current budget approaching $10 million, the agency provides services to approximately 300 children and families annually, reaching almost half of the 159 counties in Georgia.
Through the various programs offered by Elks Aidmore, children and youth are provided stable, nurturing environments that help inspire new levels of success and community engagement. These programs include:
The residential treatment program is located on 141 rolling acres in Conyers, Georgia, providing campus-based treatment and support services to youth and their families. Most of them will tell you Elks Aidmore is much more than just a place to stay. The residential treatment program is a service offered to females, ages 12-21. The agency provides community-based education and GED preparation; vocational opportunities; individual, group and family therapy; and, the development of crucial life skills. The campus facilities include a centralized administrative building, two administrative cottages, learning center, two residential cottages, two supervised quarters for independent living, gymnasium, swimming pool, tennis courts, camping sites, ropes course, and a lake for fishing and canoeing.
Transitional/Independent Living
Elks Aidmore offers both Transitional Living and Independent Living services. The programs offer
a well-defined life skills curriculum, designed to meet the emerging and independent needs of young adults, ages 16-21. Services are provided both on the Elks Aidmore campus as well as through scattered-site, community-based apartment living. The focus of services is to assist in the transition of these young adults from foster care to independent living.
Therapeutic Foster Care
The Therapeutic Foster Care (TFC) program utilizes thoroughly screened and uniquely trained foster parents to meet the needs of foster children and youth in a family setting. TFC services are offered to both males and females, ages 0 to 18. TFC services reach children and their families in nearly half of Georgia’s 159 counties. The TFC services are coordinated from offices in the following locations:
2394 Morrison Road
Conyers GA 30094
105 N. Pentz Street
Dalton GA 30720
132 Stephenson Avenue, Ste 102
Savannah GA 31405
3312-A N. Oak Street Extension
Valdosta GA 31605
Frequently Asked Questions About Aidmore
What principles guide the Elks Aidmore program?
The principles which govern the program are simple: that young people have a desire to learn and do well; that their feelings are intrinsically valid and quite as important as their thinking; that destructive and self-defeating behavior must be addressed and modified; that young people can help one another sort out alternatives and arrive at good choices; that the world is rich in things to learn; that life is truly to be savored at each moment; and that decent, caring adults are essential to the lives of young people if they are to grow up strong in body, quick of mind and generous in spirit.
Each youth accepted for services has an individual care plan developed that includes goals for the families/custodians as well as for the youth in care. These goals seek to:
have reunification between the youth and the family/custodian, or to provide restructuring to the degree possible.
stabilize the situation of the youth and family/custodian so that short-term and long-term planning can be identified and implemented.
enhance the development of trusting relationships and a sense of belonging and security.
assist the youth and the family/custodian in identifying problem areas and developing strategies for resolving and/or coping with these areas.
The mission of the Agency is incorporated into practice in the following ways:
accurately assess the needs of the referral, in context of the individual and the family/custodian.
use a holistic approach in the provision of family services, education and guidance.
involve, and develop, significant others.
provide appropriate role models.
provide a structured, disciplined, caring atmosphere.
promote spiritual, moral and educational growth.
supplement, rather than substitute for, families/custodians.
include expectations of the family/custodian as part of the overall process.
How is Elks Aidmore Organized?
Elks Aidmore is the Major State Project of the Georgia Elks Association. It is governed by a Board of Trustees, which meets on a quarterly basis. An Executive Committee, made up of select members of the Board of Trustees, meets as needed. Other supporting committees are appointed by the President of the Board of Trustees.
How did Elks Aidmore get started?
In the mid 1930's, funding became available to finance treatment program for indigent handicapped children. The Georgia Elks Association was one of the sponsoring agencies of an organization which came to be identified as The Georgia League for Crippled Children. By 1938, organizations other than the Elks dropped away from the League. The group was reorganized as the Crippled Children's League of Georgia. For the next 16 years, handicapped children were treated in clinics established by the League. It was during this time that a contest was held among the children being served to select a new name, hence the name Aidmore.
In 1954, the Elks Aidmore Hospital was built in Atlanta. Through a variety of collaborative arrangements, the Hospital provided medical treatment until 1976. The Hospital was terminated due to increased operating costs and the building of a competing facility on the same block. The Board of Trustees approved the sale of the property to Emory University in November of 1976.
In 1977, Elks Aidmore moved to its present location and was renamed Elks Aidmore Children's Home. The property was officially deeded to the Elks by the Frances Wood Wilson Foundation in February of 1983.
The program closed in 1992 because operating expenses of the program continued to exceed generated revenues. After months of study by four project sub-committees, the program reopened in the summer of 1993.
In May of 1996, Elks Aidmore was awarded a certificate of accreditation from the Council of Accreditation of Services for Families and Children, Inc., headquartered in New York City. After a year long self-study and an on-site inspection by external reviewers, Elks Aidmore was commended for it's high quality of service delivery. Elks Aidmore joined a nationwide community of providers that meet the highest standards of professional performance in the field of child welfare. The program was most recently reaccredited in 2020 and has been continuously reaccredited since 1996.
Elks Aidmore is a long-standing member of Together Georgia (previously the Georgia Association of Homes and Services for Children). Together Georgia is the preeminent voice in Georgia's child and welfare policy making through advocacy, collaboration, networking and communication.
How can someone be referred to Elks Aidmore?
The primary source of referrals for admission to Elks Aidmore come from the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) and the Multi-Agency Alliance for Children (MAAC). Private referrals are considered on an individual basis. A telephone inquiry made to the intake department at Aidmore is all that is needed to initiate the application process.
Who decides which applicants will be admitted to Aidmore?
Upon receipt of an application and supporting documentation, the Intake Department will determine the appropriateness of the program services for the applicant. The application is then referred to the appropriate service department for further evaluation and consideration. This process helps the client, family/custodian, and agency staff identify a well-defined plan for services.
What types of youth are considered for admission to Elks Aidmore?
Children and youth who have been removed from their homes due to abuse, neglect and/or abandonment are eligible for placement. Consideration will be given to youth who have committed juvenile offenses for which they have been adjudicated. Clients must be able to function in a public school setting with a minimal need for special education services. Adequate funding must be available to meet the physical, emotional, and educational needs of the resident. This funding normally comes from the Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) or the Multi-Agency Alliance for Children (MAAC).
How long does it normally take to complete the program at Aidmore?
An individualized care plan is developed for each client. The length of each client's stay at Aidmore is based upon his or her ability to achieve the goals outlined in the individual care plan. A normal length of stay will be 12 months, although some youth may leave in less than twelve months and some may stay substantially longer.
How is the Elks Aidmore program financed?
Support for Elks Aidmore comes from state and private reimbursements for services, lodge and auxiliary donations, special fund-raising events, individual contributions and bequests, interest from investments, and grants.